Sunday, March 15, 2020

In the Face of a Pandemic Part 1 "Cleaning"

I know supplies feel like they are running low. I know many of you feel at risk concerning medical needs, accessibility, and so on. And I feel... this is what I've been training for.
Many of you know I've had my fair share of struggles in the past. So much to the point that I've basically had to learn to do everything for myself from scratch. I had been without healthcare or access to a doctor for well over a decade. I know how to make food rations last for weeks. I know how to stretch a dollar like a rubber band. I know how to keep entertained when you can't go out. And so on.
If you are struggling with something (from being out of bread during lock down to how to SAFELY treat a fever,) feel free to ask me. If I don't know I will simply tell you.
I will try to post various resources as things develop to help you all get through as well.
Here is a small tip to start: CLEANING
Many germs and viruses don't do well with UV light. Open your blinds, curtains, etc. Get NATURAL light into your homes along with your cleaning efforts. UV light is not enough just on it's own but will help. (Not to mention the access to sunlight will help you create important immune supporting vitamins as well as "happy" hormones. So you don't feel so overwhelmed.)
When disinfecting, things, make sure you allow ample "wet time" to be effective. Wiping surfaces down with a disinfectant, such as a bleach solution, is not enough. Depending on the type of disinfectant, it can take anywhere from 30 seconds to up to 6 minutes to kill germs.
A mild bleach solution is best for hard surfaces. Two tablespoons bleach for 4 cups water. Spray on a surface, and let it air dry. DO NOT DRY IT WITH A TOWEL! It needs to stay wet for about 60 seconds.
And a small warning: do not assume a stronger solution is better! Bleach fumes can damage lung tissue as it evaporates, and it is important to keep lungs healthy as possible right now, as corona virus causes damage and honey combing of lung tissue for some.
If you need to clean soft surfaces, such as a bed, couch fabric, or car seats, while not as effective as bleach white vinegar is best. It won't bleach or fade fabric, but will kill many germs as well as eliminate odors. It's also very affordable. A little will go a long way, so don't hoard it. (Side note: Also very effective at cleaning windows, environmentally friendly, and will decalcify things such as faucets for hard water stains.
I hope these three things give you a little more peace of mind during this time. Again, feel free to ask me questions on anything you are worried about. We are all better when we share what we have to offer.

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